Release Notes Archive - 2021

This article lists the features, enhancements, bug fixes, and components of SonicWall Cloud Secure Edge (formerly Banyan) released in 2021

  • Updated on Oct 17, 2024

Refer to the current release notes here for the latest Cloud Secure Edge (CSE) Product features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

4.33 (2021.12.23) Release Highlights

We’re transitioning to a date-based (year-month-date) product versioning scheme format soon. You can expect to see this change reflected within the next month.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Admin SAML login changes:

    • Admins can now edit the ‘SP issuer URL’ field.

4.32 (2021.12.15) Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • New Admin System Log:

    • The Admin System Log provides a time-stamped log of administrators’ actions in the Banyan Console, so that their previous actions can be reviewed and understood for auditing purposes. Admins can now filter searches for logs by action type or by time. Admins can also click into individual logs for a more detailed view of actions taken.
  • Added Devices to Auto-Deletion Setting:

    • In the Banyan Console, admins can use the auto-delete setting to automatically delete users after a specified period of user inactivity. Now, admins can also use the auto-delete setting to automatically delete devices after a specified period of inactivity.
  • Automatic Device Certificate Renewal:

    • Device certificates last for 1 year after registration. Now, 30 days before certificate expiration, certs are automatically renewed in the next user log-in. This feature requires Banyan Desktop App 2.5.

Bug Fixes

  • Admins couldn’t disable the ‘Service Tunnel for End Users’ setting after creating a Service Tunnel. This issue has been fixed.

4.31 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

  • Run Diagnostic Tool:

    • If end users are having trouble (e.g., with registering a device, accessing a service, or their Trust Scoring is mis-reporting) and want to investigate whether there are issues with the Banyan Desktop App, they can use our new Run Diagnostics Tool to help diagnose their issue.

    • End users can also use the diagnostics tool to package logs to send to their administrator.

  • Support for Specifying Users in Zero Touch Registration:

    • Using ZeroTouch, admins can now specify the named user on the device the app will be registered to, improving visibility into device ownership during roll-out.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Keychain Explainer Prompt:

    • With Banyan Desktop App 2.5, macOS users now receive an explainer prompt, notifying them that Banyan needs keychain access in order to grant access and encouraging them to select “Always Allow”.
  • Enhanced App Logging:

    • We added additional logging for API calls and HTTP requests made by the Desktop App.

4.30 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

  • Service Tunnel

    Service Tunnel is a modern WireGuard VPN service that provides encrypted network connectivity to various network segments. It supports Banyan device trust and continuous evaluation.

  • Discover and Publish for AWS

    Banyan automatically discovers AWS resources that need to be accessed by your end users. You can then publish these discovered resources as Banyan services from the Command Center.

Early Preview Features

  • Discover and Publish for Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud

    Extends Banyan’s cloud resource discovery solution to additional Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers.

Component Versions

Client Components Server Components Management Components
Desktop App v3.22.0 (Changelog) Netagent v2.8.13 (Changelog) Shield v1.57.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App v2.3.2 (Changelog) Connector v1.18.2 (Changelog)  

* Updated in the latest release

4.22 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • To improve users’ experience of the application, we’ve:

(1) Differentiated the Device Trust Verification and Passwordless steps in the process flow; (2) Added auto-continue (replacing manual continuation) after verification has been completed.

  • A new version of the iOS app (v2.0.1) is now available. In this version, we’ve re-introduced the shield icon in Device Trust Verification, providing challenge code functionality.

Bug Fixes

  • Trust Scoring was changing expired trust scores from “0” to non-zero numbers in select scenarios. This issue has been resolved.

4.21 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

4.20 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Admins can now delete issued Let’s Encrypt certificates from the Banyan console
  • Performance and stability improvements

4.13 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

API keys for service accounts:

  • Admins can create and manage API keys for programmatic access to the Banyan Command Center REST APIs (as an alternative to using a personal refresh token). An API key can be issued with Admin privilege levels - Admin, ServiceAuthor, PolicyAuthor, etc - or at more specific scopes - satellite, access_tier, etc.

Enhancements and Updates

Clone services:

  • Admins now have the ability to clone services. Cloned services retain all of the same properties except for the service name and service domain name.

Support for unregistered devices on mobile:

  • Banyan mobile app users going through the Device Trust Verification flow can now select “Don’t have the Banyan App”, which takes them through the unregistered device flow if enabled for their organization.

4.12 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Device Trust Verification can now be turned on or off for a whole organization or for individual hosted websites and SaaS applications from the console.

Bug Fixes

  • Services that weren’t supposed to be user-facing were appearing in the Banyan App.

4.11 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • The Org Name was added to the toolbar of the Banyan console so that customers with multiple instances of Banyan can now clearly identify which Org they’re presently logged into.

  • The device verification page was updated (the challenge code was removed) to reflect mobile devices’ use of certificates in app keychains.

  • Error page designs were updated for consistency.

Bug Fixes

  • Service test connection fails when service uses http_connect mode

  • Incorrect error message when a device is not MDM-compliant

4.10 Release Highlights

Early Preview Features

Service Tunnel
  • Service Tunnel is a modern WireGuard VPN that provides encrypted network connectivity to various network segments, including VPCs, VLANs, and subnets. Service Tunnel supports device trust and continuous evaluation.
  • Contact or your Customer Success Engineer to enable this feature in your org.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Support for Zero Touch Installation on macOS Big Sur: macOS Big Sur prevents administrators from silently installing Banyan certificates through a device manager. Banyan now stages the device certificates on the end user’s device, and installation completes when the user launches the app and enters their admin credentials.

  • Connector v1.3.0 supports installations via Docker on macOS.
  • Users can now convert an existing service to Custom JSON for advanced configurations.

4.0 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Added Banyan App Version as a column in Devices list view so that administrators can see the version of the Banyan app that’s installed on each user’s device.

Component Versions

Client Components Server Components Management Components
Desktop App* v3.22.0 (Changelog) Netagent* v2.8.13 (Changelog) Shield* v1.57.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v2.3.2 (Changelog) Connector* v1.18.2 (Changelog)  

* Not updated since last major release

3.94 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Added a confirmation message to setting the threshold for stale Trust Scores.
  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.93 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.92 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Service Test Connection fails for all Access Tiers if one Access Tier fails.

3.91 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

  • User-defined Service Bundles
    • With Banyan Desktop App v2.3, end users can now create their own service bundles within the app. The bundles will persist across all of the user’s registered devices.
  • Service Test Connection (Requires Netagent v1.37.0+)
    • Ensure connectivity for your published Banyan services via a simple test connection. The test validates the Service Domain Name routes to a Banyan Access Tier and confirms the backend domain or IP is reachable from the Access Tier.

    Note: Currently, service test connection does not support services that use HTTP Connect.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Added filters for service types within the Service Catalog

3.90 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Restored “Netagent Details” for hosted websites and infrastructure
  • Removed enforcement of “Site Domain Names” configuration parameter

Component Versions

Client Components Server Components Management Components
Desktop App* v3.22.0 (Changelog) Netagent v2.8.13 (Changelog) Shield v1.57.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v2.3.2 (Changelog) Connector* v1.18.2 (Changelog)  

* Not updated since last major release

3.83 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

  • Simplified Mobile App Registration
    • With the Banyan Mobile App v2.0, end user-initiated registration is now 50% faster, eliminating multiple login and certificate install steps. The streamlined onboarding flow will include four steps within the app before having access to all Hosted Web and SaaS applications.
  • Docker container for Banyan Access Tier installation
  • Device Trust Verification
    • Required to validate device trust for Sandboxed apps and the new Banyan Mobile App v2.0.

Enhancements & Updates

  • International availability of the Banyan Mobile App in the following countries: UK, Ireland, Canada, Germany, Spain, India, Brazil, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, and Finland.

Bug Fixes

3.82 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Ability to automatically remove inactive users
    • Admins can set a threshold (in days) for when an inactive user is removed from the Banyan Command Center. The device(s) associated to the user will also be removed.
  • Performance and stability improvements

3.81 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Devices CSV export includes information about the latest TrustScore factors
  • Ability to delete multiple users at once

3.80 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

  • Access Tier monitoring and metrics collection using statsd to send metrics to Datadog via Dogstatsd
  • Use Let’s Encrypt certificates for hosted websites
    • Organizations can now use Banyan to issue Let’s Encrypt certificates for their hosted websites. Banyan will manage issuance, renewal, and revocation of the Let’s Encrypt certificates.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Ability to delete users from the Banyan Command Center

Early Preview

  • Banyan Mobile App v2.0.0
    • The updated mobile app supports streamlined registration and access flows. See important notices for more details on requirements and impact.
  • Banyan Connector v1.2.0
    • Initial release of the Banyan Connector which creates a secure tunnel to the Banyan Global Edge Network. Supports management from UI and CIDR-less configurations.
  • Docker container for Banyan Access Tier installation

3.74 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Updated CORS Exemption fields in standard website service spec to allow specifying target
  • Performance and stability improvements

3.73 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • IDP routed is now listed as a subtype within SaaS applications in the Command Center. When adding a SaaS application, admins will have the choice of Banyan Federated or IDP routed.

Bug Fixes

  • “Database” services do not show up in services filter

3.72 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Added Exemptions and Advanced Settings sections to Standard Website services
    • Organizations can now configure OIDC Exemptions and CORS Exemptions from the Standard Website service spec.
  • Performance and stability improvements

3.71 Release Highlights

New Early Preview Features

  • Access Tier metrics collection using statsd to send metrics to Datadog via Dogstatsd
  • Use Let’s Encrypt certificates for hosted websites
    • Organizations can now use Banyan to issue Let’s Encrypt certificates for their hosted websites. Banyan will manage issuance, renewal, and revocation of the Let’s Encrypt certificates

Enhancements & Updates

  • Ability to forward the bnn_trust JWT token as a Custom HTTP header for hosted websites
  • New Infrastructure Service subtype of “Database”
    • Previously databases were created as Generic TCP services. Going forward, databases will be carved out into their own infrastructure services subtype allowing for enhanced admin visibility and end user access flows

3.70 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Banyan Desktop App support for additional keyboard shortcuts
  • Simplified Desktop App Registration - End user-initiated registration is now 50% faster, eliminating multiple login and keychain access prompts. The streamlined onboarding flow will include five steps before having access to all Infrastructure, Hosted Web, and SaaS applications.

New registration flow

  • Hidden Services Until Login - All Banyan services within the app will require an identity provider login before they are visible. Previously, Hosted Web services were always visible and required an identity provider login after launching a service. This experience will be standard across manually registered devices as well as devices registered via Zero Touch mode.

New Login page for all services

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to send Access Tier logs from console

Component Versions

Client Components Server Components Management Components
Desktop App v2.2.1(Changelog) Netagent v1.37.0 (Changelog) Shield v1.35.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v1.10.0 (Changelog)   Command Center v1.66.0

* Not updated since last major release

3.64 Release Highlights

Bug Fixes

  • When configuring a custom JSON service, the Link (shown to end users) field did not save.

Upcoming Enhancements to Banyan Desktop App Registration and Access Flows

As part of the upcoming Banyan Desktop App 2.2 release (expected to release June 30th), we are introducing enhancements to streamline the Desktop App registration and access flows.

  • Simplified Registration - End user-initiated registration is now 50% faster, eliminating multiple login and keychain access prompts. The streamlined onboarding flow will include five steps before having access to all Infrastructure, Hosted Web, and SaaS applications.

New registration flow

  • Hidden Services Until Login - All Banyan services within the app will require an identity provider login before they are visible. Previously, Hosted Web services were always visible and required an identity provider login after launching a service. This experience will be standard across manually registered devices as well as devices registered via Zero Touch mode.

New Login page for all services

Support Contact Information For questions or concerns, please reach out to your Customer Success Engineer or

3.63 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

Bug Fixes

  • On the Users page in the Command Center, sorting users by Last Login date was inconsistent.

3.62 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Improved backend domain validation when registering a service. Valid field values are IP address, FQDN, or template syntax.
  • Command Center version is now indicated in the UI (top-right question mark icon) instead of the UI version.

3.61 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.60 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Integrated Banyan CLI to run in-terminal commands to connect to Banyan services without interacting with the Banyan Desktop App.
  • Devices enrolled via Zero Touch installation support Banyan’s Passwordless authentication. (This feature is in early preview and must be explicitly enabled for your organization)
  • Added the ability to exclude the Preferred Apps TrustScore Factor based on device ownership type.
  • Added guardrails to prevent attaching a TCP policy to a Hosted Website, or attaching a Web policy to a TCP service.

Bug Fixes

  • Devices enrolled via Zero Touch installation were unable to favorite services or set services to autorun in the Banyan Desktop App.

Component Versions

Client Components Server Components Management Components
Desktop App v2.1.0(Changelog) Netagent v1.36.1 (Changelog) Shield v1.34.1 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v1.10.0 (Changelog)   Command Center v1.66.0

* Not updated since last major release

3.52 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Added validation for Frontend/TLS SNI when creating a service to prevent creation of duplicate services with the same SNI or Frontend domain (and port).

Bug Fixes

  • Autorun and “Start All Services” button did not respect the configured port and instead chose a random port.
  • Certificate selection pop-up was not suppressed on Windows.

3.51 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.50 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Added service bundles which allow admins to group any Banyan services that are needed for a specific team or project and surface them as a bundle within the Banyan Desktop App.
  • Revamped the desktop version of the Banyan App with expanded viewport, services catalog, service bundles, favorites, and more. For more information on the new app, check out our blog post and refer to What’s New in Desktop App 2.0? to help your end users transition to the new Banyan app.

Component Versions

Client Components Server Components Management Components
Desktop App v2.0.1(Changelog) Netagent v1.36.1 (Changelog) Shield v1.34.1 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v1.10.0 (Changelog)   Command Center v1.61.1

* Not updated since last major release

3.43 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Download .csv of Users list under Directory & Infrastructure in the Command Center.

3.42 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.41 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.40 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

Bug Fixes

  • After adding a new local Admin in the Command Center, the New Admin form fields did not clear and reset to empty.

Component Versions

Client Components Enforcement Components Management Components
Desktop App v1.14.1 (Changelog) Netagent v1.35.0 (Changelog) Shield v1.33.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v1.10.0 (Changelog)   Command Center v1.58.0

* Not updated since last major release

3.33 Release Highlights

New Features

  • New Banyan Reporting page to provide high-level visualizations of data related to your organization, including:
    • Access activity - Total counts and breakdowns of your devices, users, services, policies, roles, and Access Tiers.
    • Access patterns - Most popular services by user, most active users by service, and more.
    • TrustScore intelligence - Path of Zero Trust access from device (operating system) through Trust Level to services.
  • Added audit logging for Kubernetes API events.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Streamlined setup of Kubernetes OIDC Authentication feature.
    • Customers no longer need to update the certificate in the Banyan Service spec after every upgrade of the Helm chart.
    • Reduced number of parameters manually entered in the Helm chart’s values.yaml file.
  • Increased size limitations of the service.json to support larger service request bodies.
  • Removed GPG Password from Cluster details page.

Bug Fixes

3.32 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

Bug Fixes

3.31 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • End users received an authorization error when attempting to access services via the Banyan App if their organization configured the Device Cert Only authentication feature.

3.30 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

Component Versions

Client Components Enforcement Components Management Components
Desktop App v1.13.1 (Changelog) Netagent v1.34.1 (Changelog) Shield v1.32.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v1.10.0 (Changelog)   Command Center v1.54.0

* Not updated since last major release

3.24 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

3.23 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.22 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

3.21 Release Highlights

Bug Fixes

  • Removed Backend DNS Override for Service Domain Name (optional) from the Custom Service JSON page in Command Center.
  • On Windows Devices running banyanproxy in RDP Gateway mode, the Banyan Desktop App sent an incompatible connection header.

3.20 Release Highlights

New Features

  • Various Banyan Desktop App enhancements and updates, such as:
    • Fixes for macOS Big Sur M1 on ARM64 and X64 devices.
    • Session expiration awareness.
      • End users will see an indicator of when their login certificate for banyanproxy is close to expiration or expired.
    • New utility functions for command line when distributing the Banyan Desktop App using a device manager.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Enhanced Access Activity views for Services, Devices, and Users in the Command Center.

Component Versions

Client Components Enforcement Components Management Components
Desktop App v1.12.2 (Changelog) Netagent v1.33.0 (Changelog) Shield v1.31.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App* v1.10.0 (Changelog)   Command Center v1.50.0

* Not updated since last major release

3.12 Release Highlights

Enhancements & Updates

  • Download .csv of Devices and Unregistered Devices lists under Directory & Infrastructure in the Command Center.
  • Support to enable/disable email OTP for mobile device registration.

Bug Fixes

  • If an end user registered a device with Banyan but did not access any services, the user name did not populate in the Devices lists under Directory & Infrastructure in the Command Center.

3.11 Release Highlights

New Features

  • Zero Touch installation and registration of the Desktop App via Device Managers (such as Intune).
    • Introduces the capability to silently install and register the Banyan Desktop App for macOS and Windows with zero end-user interaction. Zero Touch mode is particularly useful when the end-user does not have administrative privileges on their device.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Reorganized the App Deployment settings page in Command Center to make OTP-based email verification an org-level setting. (Please note: The Mobile App registration will fail for end users who are provided OTP-based email verification due to a temporary Known Issue.)
  • Extend validity of Reporting Token to one year, to match the Device Certificate lifetime.
  • Improved filtering on the Events Log Viewer.
  • Updated the page, so end-users can easily download the latest version of the Banyan App.

3.10 Release Highlights

Welcome to our first release of 2021! This release is a small maintenance release, but next week we will roll out a new Desktop App that includes zero touch installation capabilities, along with other enhancements and improvements.

Component Versions

Client Components Enforcement Components Management Components
Desktop App v1.11.1 (Changelog Netagent v1.32.0 (Changelog) Shield v1.30.0 (Changelog)
Mobile App v1.10.0 (Changelog)   Command Center v1.45.0

* Not updated since last major release

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