Downloadable Reports

Download reports in PDF and CSV format for auditing and to share with your broader teams

  • Updated on May 22, 2024


Cloud Secure Edge (CSE) provides a variety of reports that are meant to be downloaded and used for auditing purposes or to share with other teams in your organization.

Downloading Reports

To download a specific type of report, navigate to the appropriate section of the Command Center web console.

Registered Device Report

You can download a Registered Devices report from Directory > Devices.

The Registered Devices CSV report lists all the devices registered to your organization along with their device attributes, Trust Scoring details, status fields, etc.

Unregistered Device Report

If your organization allows unregistered devices to access resources, you can download an Unregistered Devices report from Directory > Unregistered Devices.

The Unregistered Devices CSV report provides basic information about the unregistered devices used including OS platorm, IP address and status.

Internet Threat Protection Report

If your organization has enabled Internet Threat Protection, you can download a Threat Protection Summary Report from Internet Access > Internet Threat Protection tab > Reporting tab.

The Threat Protection PDF Report provides a summary of blocked threats and blocked content requests.

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