Remote Diagnostics

Fetch log data directly from the Command Center to help debug end users' devices

  • Updated on May 16, 2024

This article describes features that require Desktop App v3.6.0+ .

Remote Diagnostics Overview

The Remote Diagnostics feature allows admins to collect registered devices’ log data for troubleshooting purposes. Admins can download a script directly from the Command Center.

Collecting logs through Remote Diagnostics currently takes up to 15 minutes.

Steps to collect Remote Diagnostics

1.1 In the Command Center, navigate from Directory > Devices.

1.2 Select a device name to enter into the device details view.

1.3 On the device’s detail view page, select the Remote Diagnostics tab.

1.4 Select Run Diagnostics. This will initiate and execute the script.

1.5 Select Download Logs when the option is made available.

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