Known Issues

This section lists the current known limitations (and available workarounds) of SonicWall Cloud Secure Edge (formerly Banyan Security)

  • Updated on Jul 15, 2024

Critical maintenance planned for July 17th, 2024 after 8 PM PST


Critical maintenance is planned for Wednesday July 17th after 8 PM PST. In advance, please make sure that your Connector has been upgraded to a minimum version of 1.17.1. While this is expected to be a no-downtime operation, if connectivity issues arise after the maintenance for Connector versions older than 1.17.1, restarting your Connector should resolve the problem. Our support teams are available to assist. Reach out to if you need additional assistance.

Banyan Component(s):

Connector versions less than 1.17.1

Workaround: Maintenance is planned; restart your Connector if connectivity issues persist after maintenance has taken place.

Ubuntu 24.04 uses a new architecture that prevents the Banyan app from running


The Banyan app does not currently support Ubuntu 24.04’s new architecture. During Ubuntu 24.04 installation, the Banyan app runs a command (sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0) to remove Ubuntu’s new security restriction so that the app can run.

Banyan Component(s):

  • Banyan app versions 3.18+ (Banyan app versions <3.17 are not supported on Ubuntu 24.04)


No workaround.

Intermittent network disconnection on Ubuntu 22.04 when ITP is enabled


ITP relies on systemd to direct traffic or internal resources for Linux based systems, including Ubuntu 22.04. Banyan has identified times when internet connectivity is disrupted on Ubuntu 22.04 devices when rapidly switching between blocked sites (as configured by ITP policies) and non-blocked sites.

The root cause analysis determined that Ubuntu 22.04’s systemd is not the latest version of systemd, and this is a known issue with the version packaged with Ubuntu 22.04. A bug report has been filed here:

Banyan Component(s):

  • Ubuntu 22.04 registered devices with ITP enabled.


Use Ubuntu 24.04

Fixed Issues

ITP initiation error in orgs that have DNS interceptors listening on their DNS port as well as ITP enabled


When admins who have ITP enabled in their org run DNS interceptors that listens on their DNS ports, ITP doesn’t initiate (i.e., the banyanwgs is unable to bind to its port and hence does not take over DNS on the device). Currently, there is no indication (in the logs or Healthcheck) that ITP isn’t working, and the ITP health check erroneously reports that it is working.


Ensure that the service that is using port 53 is not running when you start ITP.

Verify using the following command:

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep ":53$"

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

We’re happy to help. Contact our team.