Release Notes Archive - 2022

This article lists the features, enhancements, bug fixes, and components of SonicWall Cloud Secure Edge (formerly Banyan) released in 2022

  • Updated on May 31, 2024

Refer to the current release notes here for the latest Cloud Secure Edge (CSE) Product features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

2022-12-21 Release Highlights

Important Notice: Banyan is releasing Access Tier v2, which features a guided installation flow and architectural updates. See Important Notices to learn more about the upgrade path from v1 to v2.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Support for ChromeOS on mobile app:

    • Banyan now supports ChromeOS on v2.1.3 of the Android mobile app.
  • In v3.6.1 of Banyan’s desktop app, the WireGuard Service only listens on Port 53 (default port) when Service Tunnel for public domains is enabled.

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Trust Level was not being calculated when devices were first registering to the Banyan app.

  • [Resolved] The Let’s Encrypt certificate chain for hosted websites did not include an intermediate certificate.

  • [Resolved] iPadOS and Ubuntu were not adhering to the OS Version Trust Factor.

2022-12-14 Release Highlights

Important Notice: Banyan is releasing Access Tier v2, which features a guided installation flow and architectural updates. See Important Notices to learn more about the upgrade path from v1 to v2.

Generally Available Features

  • Service Tunnel for Public Domains:

    • Service Tunnels can route public traffic through Access Tiers deployed in orgs.
    • Routing public traffic through Service Tunnels also provides continuous authorization for SaaS services throughout the duration of users’ sessions, taking security beyond a one-time login authorization and authentication step.
  • Remote Diagnostics:

    • Admins can now run diagnostics on registered devices from Banyan’s Cloud Command Center (instead of requesting logs from end users).
    • Admins can download the logs from the Command Center to troubleshoot devices.
  • New Trust Factor - Banyan App Version:

    • Banyan App Version allows admins to validate whether devices are running a minimum version of the Banyan app.
  • New Trust Factor - File Check:

    • File Check allows admins to verify that a specific file is present on the device.

New Early Preview Features

  • Service Tunnel Discovery:

    • Service Tunnels can now provide an inventory of accessed resources based on DNS/IP and port.
    • These records show which users have accessed which resources, providing admins with deeper insight into user access activity.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Internationalization of Banyan Trust Factors:

    • Banyan’s desktop app is now fully supported on international devices
  • Terraform Provider v1.0.0:

    • Now supports deployment of Service Tunnels (in addition to Services, Roles, and Policies)
  • Removed Support URL from Remediation tab:

    • To simplify remediation configurations Banyan has removed the support URL and now allows admins to add URLs directly to the remediation text
  • Support for ARM architecture in Connector install

2022-11-09 Release Highlights

Important Notice: Banyan is releasing Access Tier v2, which features a guided installation flow and architectural updates. See Important Notices to learn more about the upgrade path from v1 to v2.

Generally Available Features

  • Trust Profiles:

    • Banyan is introducing Trust Profiles, which apply admin-defined Trust Factors to a specific subset of devices in an org.
    • Trust Factors can be applied to specific groups of devices (based on device serial number, OS, device ownership type, and user group), offering admins granular control over devices’ security posture.
  • Access Tier Version 2 - Simplified Installation and Management:

    • Banyan is introducing a new guided Access Tier installation flow in the Cloud Command Center.
    • Most of the installation process can now be completed directly through the Command Center’s UI.
  • Custom Help Messaging for End Users:

    • Admins can now create custom support messaging for end users from the Command Center, helping guide end users through authentication and authorization errors.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Enhanced WireGuard performance (bandwidth and speed) for Windows devices.

  • The desktop app registration process is now language-agnostic (we now support registration for non-English devices).

Bug Fixes

  • The Firewall Trust Factor now supports group policy firewall settings for Windows devices on the desktop app.

2022-10-13 Release Highlights

Important Notice: As a result of Banyan’s migration to a new Trust Scoring model, Trust Levels will be assigned instead of numerical Trust Scores. If the desktop app is not updated to the latest version (i.e., versions below 3.4.0 are in use), users will continue to view numerical Trust Scores instead of the new Trust Levels. For more information, visit our Important Notices.

There are upcoming Trust Scoring changes in our October 2022 release. Banyan will provide more details related to the migration as we get closer to the date.

Generally Available Features

  • Granular Trust Scoring:

    • Instead of a numerical Trust Score (out of 100), devices will now receive a Trust Level (e.g., Always Deny, Low, Medium, or High) as a result of the Trust Scoring calculation.
    • Admins will be able to designate the specific Effect that a Trust Factor has on a device’s Trust Level, providing admins fine-grained control over devices’ security posture.
    • In the Command Center, the Device Scoring page has been renamed to Trust Factors.
  • The Trust Level Expiration setting has been relocated to the Trust Score Settings page.
  • App Support:

    • In the Command Center, a new section called App Support allows admins to enter custom help messaging and support links for end users, so that end users can self-remediate technical issues.
    • This custom help messaging appears when end users click the new Help button on the desktop app.
    • If no custom message is set, the Help button sends end users to Health Check.

2022-09-14 Release Highlights

Important Notice: There are upcoming Trust Scoring changes in our October 2022 release. Banyan will provide more details related to the migration as we get closer to the date.

New Early Preview Features

  • Trust Integration with SentinelOne:

    • Two new trust factors from SentinelOne (i.e., Registered With and Not Active Threat) are now available within device scoring.
    • For more information on the SentinelOne integration, see documentation.

Generally Available Features

  • Desktop app v3.3.0:

    • Service Tunnel Quick Connect: The Banyan desktop app icon (in the menu bar or system tray) now features a drop-down menu that allows users to:
      • Log in or out of the desktop app,
      • Jump to settings,
      • Quick connect to (or disconnect from) Service Tunnel, or
      • Quit the Banyan app.

    • App log files send to Banyan Support: If end users encounter issues, they can directly send logs to Banyan support via a new button in the desktop app, called Send Log Files to Banyan Support, to expedite the troubleshooting process.

  • App Session Expiry Icon: The Banyan app icon (in the menu bar or system tray) now signals when a user’s 24 hour session has expired.
    • On macOS: Indicated by an ‘!’ on the Banyan app icon
    • On Windows and Ubuntu: Indicated by a red-coloured Banyan app icon

2022-08-25 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements

2022-07-28 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

Enhancements and Updates

  • Service Tunnel enhancements:

    • Desktop app users will now see an error if validation fails while attempting to connect.

    • the Run Diagnostic Tool now collects logs related to Service Tunnel.

  • The Support link has been removed from the desktop app.

Bug fixes

  • [Resolved] Auto-Update TrustScore factor was showing as disabled when JAMF config profile was used.

  • [Resolved] Device registration was failing for Mac users if the device hostname was missing.

  • [Resolved] Netagent logs were not being collected through Netagent Support Bundle

  • [Resolved] Websocket connections were not being closed in certain conditions.

2022-07-21 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements

2022-07-14 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Use multiple Access Tier instances with the same hostname:

    • Multiple Netagent instances with the same hostname are now able to run at the same time.

2022-07-07 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Access Activity tab for Service Tunnel:

    • The Access Activity tab indicates which authorized users and devices recently accessed the Service Tunnel.

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Banyan’s Private DNS resolution was case-sensitive; DNS resolution is no longer case-sensitive.

  • [Resolved] Enhanced DNS routing was not resolving correctly for Windows.

2022-06-30 Release Highlights

Generally Available Features

  • Desktop app v3.1.0:

    • Enhanced support for Zero Touch Installation with v3.1.0.
    • Known Issue: For Passwordless Authentication, Banyan is unable to silently swap the certificate with no UPN information specified to a certificate with the user’s UPN, derived from the first authentication flow when accessing a service. This will be resolved in an upcoming release of the Banyan app.

Enhancements and Updates

  • In Infrastructure service specifications, Backend Allowed Hostnames (under Client specifies using HTTP Connect mode) now allows users to enter regular expressions as Hostnames (example below).

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Updating the Access Tier tunnel configuration in Banyan’s Cloud Command Center was causing Netagent to bring down the WireGuard (wg) interface.

  • [Resolved] In some scenarios, enhanced DNS routing was not resolving correctly.

2022-06-23 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Device Trust Verification issues. A new version of the Desktop App (v.3.0.2) will be available for Linux only.

2022-06-16 Release Highlights

Notice: Versions 3.0.0 and later of Banyan’s Desktop App are available through manual download only. Support for Zero Touch deployment and auto-updating will be available in upcoming releases. In the latest version, the Desktop App CLI functionality has been deprecated.

Early Preview Features

  • CrowdStrike Integration:

    • CrowdStrike is an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) platform that collects device telemetry data to determine whether a device is in a state of compromised security. Banyan has integrated with CrowdStrike to obtain additional device trust information. Related documentation is forthcoming.

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Service Tunnel issues on Windows devices. A new version of the Desktop App (v.3.0.1) will be available for Windows only.

2022-06-09 Release Highlights

Notice: Our latest version (v3.0.0) of Banyan’s Desktop App is available through manual download only. Support for Zero Touch deployment and auto-updating will be available in upcoming releases. In the latest version, the Desktop App CLI functionality has been deprecated.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

2022-06-02 Release Highlights

Notice: Our latest version (v3.0.0) of Banyan’s Desktop App will be available through manual download only. Support for Zero Touch deployment and auto-updating will be available in upcoming releases. In the latest version, the Desktop App CLI functionality has been deprecated.

Generally Available Features

  • Desktop App v3.0.0:

    • Admin Service: The desktop app now has an administrative component, for any actions within the app that require admin privileges.
    • Enhanced logging, with admin logs.
    • Home tab: A single location for accessing Service Tunnels, Recently Accessed Services, and Active Connections.
    • Enhanced Search: End users can easily search their services catalog without having to re-open the desktop app.
    • New Service Tunnel interface with an Autorun option, so that Service Tunnel connects when an end user logs into the desktop app.

2022-05-26 Release Highlights

Notice: In the next few weeks, we will be releasing a new version (v3.0.0) of the Banyan Desktop App, in which the Desktop App CLI functionality will be deprecated.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Added ‘user creation’ logs in the System Log when Team Edition admins create new users:

    • Previously, when a Team Edition admin created new users, no record of the user creation was listed in the System Log. Now, when an admin creates a new user or admin, it’s added to the System Log. These logs show who created the user, the role(s) of the new user, and the timestamp.

2022-05-19 Release Highlights

Notice: In the next few weeks, we will be releasing a new version (v3.0.0) of the Banyan Desktop App, in which the Desktop App CLI functionality will be deprecated.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Enhanced DNS Routing:

    • Banyan DNS routing no longer requires admins to make changes to public DNS records when migrating from service access via Service Tunnel to individual published services (i.e., hosted web services or infrastructure services). After migrating a resource, admins can simply leave Service Tunnel enabled.

2022-05-12 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Refresh token support for SAML-based admins:

    • The Banyan Command Center now supports SAML-based Admin accounts in obtaining personal refresh tokens. The process is identical to obtaining refresh tokens from non-SAML admin accounts found here.
  • Option to disable Strict-Transport-Security HTTP Response Header within Netagent configuration:

    • Admins have a new configuration option to disable Strict-Transport-Security HTTP within the Netagent config.yaml file. The configuration option is ‘disable_hsts’ with the default value of “False”. This option is only available in netagent releases v1.44 and up.

2022-05-05 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

2022-04-28 Release Highlights

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] The ‘Download Devices’ button was not working in the Banyan Cloud Command Center.

2022-04-21 Release Highlights

Enhancements and Updates

  • The Events API now supports time-based querying, including start time (start_time) and end time (end_time).

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Now, admins can view users in Banyan’s Cloud Command Center without users having to first register their devices.

2022-04-14 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Enhancements and Updates

  • Performance and stability improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Setting the “Only include devices that have the Banyan app deployed by MDM” role to “False” through the API (i.e., mdm_present: False) was returning a value of “True” in the UI.

2022-04-07 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

New Features

  • Device trust for Azure AD federated apps:

Enhancements and Updates

  • Admins can now sort Devices by ‘App Version’ in the Banyan Cloud Command Center.

  • Character limits were extended for preferred apps process names, enhancing regex pattern matching.

2022-03-31 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

New Early Preview Features

Enhancements and Updates

  • Streamlined passwordless set-up for Okta:

    • We’ve simplified setting up passwordless for Okta by providing a new method that uses a toggle. We’re planning on deprecating the old method (which leverages Okta routing rules).

2022-03-24 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

New Features

  • Service Accounts:

    • Admins can now create Service Accounts for programmatic access to hosted websites, authenticating third-party apps to Banyan-protected services via an API key or JWT token.
  • Access Groups for Infrastructure Policies:

    • Admins can now add Access Groups to Infrastructure Policies in Banyan’s Cloud Command Center.

Enhancements and Updates

  • The search filter for Devices now allows admins to filter by app version. This is part of an overall enhancement of filtering capabilities across the Banyan Cloud Command Center.
  • The Activity Dashboard in the Cloud Command Center now allows admins to use a specific date range picker. This replaces the previous dropdown menu of predetermined time ranges.

2022-03-17 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Enhancements and Updates

New Features

  • New Support for HTTP/3 for the Cloud Command Center:

    • Next week, we will be offering support for HTTP/3 to serve our Cloud Command Center. This adheres to Google Cloud Platform’s recommended configurations. Upon enablement, browsers that support HTTP/3 will automatically negotiate an upgraded connection. Browsers that do not support HTTP/3 will continue communications on HTTP/2 protocol.

Bug Fixes

  • [Resolved] Session tokens in Banyan’s Cloud Command Center web application were not expiring after users were logging out.

2022-03-10 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Bug Fixes

  • API keys with a “Read Only” scope were receiving unauthorized access messages. This has been fixed.

2022-03-03 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Enhancements & Updates

  • New TrustScore Statuses for Devices:

    • Admins can now view TrustScore statuses (Expired, Reporting, Overridden, and Pending) for devices in their org. These statuses provide insight into the state or security posture of each device.

2022-02-24 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Fedora Support:
    • We now have full support for Fedora (34 and later) in the newest version of the Banyan Desktop App.

2022-02-17 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Admins can now click through chart segments on the All Devices and All Access Tiers pie graphs in the reporting dashboard of Banyan’s Cloud Command Center. This way, admins have a detailed view of devices.
  • We introduced a toggle (in all policy types) that allows admins to hide the service from the service catalog. Previously, hiding a service in the service catalog of the Banyan App was only possible through the API or a custom policy.

  • We have improved our logging capabilities by adding sign-in events for local admins.

Bug Fixes

  • Users had issues validating the Common Name (CN) in the Banyan Certificate due to irregular length serial numbers. We now support devices with irregular length serial numbers.

2022-02-10 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Delete unregistered devices:

    • Admins can now delete unregistered devices from the Banyan Cloud Command Center.

2022-01-27 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Generally Available Features

Enhancements & Updates

  • Expiration Notification:

  • Banyanproxy now auto-detects and uses the system proxy for outgoing connections.

Bug Fixes

  • Previously, default permissions in Netagent log files were allowing everyone ‘read access’. Now, permissions limit read access to the file’s owner and users in the file’s group.

2022-01-13 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal. See more details here.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Added timestamp sorting to Admin System Log
  • Performance and stability improvements

2022-01-06 Release Highlights

Notice: If you’ve registered your device via Zero Touch mode, you will need to update to [version 2.5.0 of the Banyan Desktop App] for automatic device certificate renewal.

Enhancements & Updates

  • Enhanced Zero Touch Installation scripts:

    • We simplified installation, adding (i) steps to upgrade the app via Zero Touch and (ii) steps to start the app after Zero Touch deployment.

    • We added a configuration option to hide the HTTP backend connection log (used for troubleshooting purposes) from view.

Bug Fixes

  • Netagent was stripping out invalid HTTP cookies. Now, it forwards invalid cookies.

  • macOS users now receive the correct IP address when they use Service Tunnel.

  • If admins added an IP exemption within a policy and then removed the Access Tier attached to this same service, IP addresses were being retained (when they should have been removed).

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