Trust Effect
A conceptual overview of the Trust Effect and how it affects device Trust Level
- Updated on May 21, 2024
Trust Effect Overview
The Trust Effect is the Trust Factor’s impact on a device’s Trust Level when the Trust Factor is not satisfied. The admin determines the impact of each Trust Factor, and any of the following impacts (i.e., Trust Effects) can be assigned:
- Always Deny: If this factor is not satisfied, the device will be denied authorization into all Cloud Secure Edge (CSE) services.
- Low Trust Level: If this factor is not satisfied, the device’s Trust Level will be set to low.
- Medium Trust Level: If this factor is not satisfied, the device’s Trust level will be set to medium.
- No Effect: If this factor is not satisfied, it will have no effect on the device’s Trust Level, but will be displayed in the app. This is primarily used for testing purposes.
Trust Effect Example
Example: An admin assigns a Low Trust Level Effect to the Trust Factor, Firewall. If the firewall is not enabled on the evaluated device, the device’s Trust Level will drop to Low. If the firewall is enabled on the device, the Trust Factor will be satisfied, and there will be no negative impact on the device’s Trust Level.

Other possible Trust Effects are shown below:

- By default, all Trust Factors have an Effect of Low Trust Level (i.e., if a Trust Factor is applied to a device, and the device does not satisfy the Trust Factor requirements, the device’s Trust Level will drop to Low). Admins can adjust the default Effect of any Trust Factor.
- If you require a Trust Factor to be mandatory, CSE’s recommendation is to set the Effect to Always Deny.
- If you’re testing a new Trust Factor and you want to see the which devices satisfy the Trust Factor without impacting access, CSE’s recommendation is to set the Effect to No Effect.